Miscella Real Estate

Why Buying a House is like having a Baby

17 Reasons why buying a house is exactly like having a baby


So! You’ve decided to take the plunge! You’re going to officially officially put your adult pants on and have a baby/buy a house.


  1. You get to TRY 😉 – Hands down THE best part of having a baby/buying a house. Not only do you get a baby/house…it’s super fun doing it! At least we can all agree on that during the first 4 months.

  2. Everyone around you seems to be having babies/buying houses! -you and your bestie expecting a baby/home at the same time. You see bellies/signs everywhere all of a sudden. It’s literally the only thing you think about and talk about all day long. And, yes, you’re annoying to those around you that aren’t having babies/buying houses.

  3. You stare at other people’s babies/homes and imagine your own. lol. It’s true.

  4. You can get frustrated. Dang…. I want a baby/house, and I will do absolutely anything and everything in my power to get it. Not everyone gets that baby/house.

  5. You have to keep it a GIANT SECRET until you know for sure it’s safe to tell everyone. Which might not be until delivery/closing. Or you accidentally blab it out at a family function when you just got a positive response.

  6. Everyone and their mother has an OPINION. Oh you’re having a baby/buying a house? Let me tell you my personal story that lasts forever and isn’t applicable anymore because this was 20 years ago, and you should have seen what we went through! No protections were in place! Everyone was smoking inside!

  7. You become an interior designer. Move over Joann…I have my shopping cart full at Pottery Barn and am ready to CREATE! But you remember you’re having a baby/mortgage soon, and you sadly click the cart empty again.

  8. You get professional pictures taken and get to send out announcements. Not required, but your mother is going to make you feel like you have to.

  9. Registry baby!!! We are having a baby shower/house warming. Please buy us a Keurig.

  10. You have extreme emotional ups and downs. Reactions can be severe or out of character. Your nurse/realtor will have to talk you off the ledge. Possibly more than once….at any hour of the day 😉. You are going to overreact over something. It’s different for everyone, but mark my words. Something will make you freak out, and you’ll laugh about it in a few years.

  11. The wait for that due/closing date is full of anxiety and questions and lack of sleep and over thinking and imagining what it looks like.

  12. There’s a ton of paperwork.

  13. The delivery/closing room is all a buzz with people doing things, but you don’t know who they are exactly or what they’re actually doing. You have to push/sign for what feels like forever, but everyone is super nice and makes you comfortable…and then repeatedly congratulates you whenever they leave the room.

  14. OMG it’s YOURS. You get to go HOME now. “They” are just gonna let you do that. It’s going to feel weird, and you’re going to feel like you should still check in with someone, but the nurse/realtor can’t come home with you! Even though they want to 💔

  15. You swear up and down that you are never going to ever do that again. Ever. But then you do…like a year later…because life.

  16. You expect to be paying for it well into your golden years. Some leave home/pay off early, and others need to take out a second mortgage.

  17. It’s the American Dream. It comes with a feeling no one can explain to you.



Julia Ziller, Broker Miscella Real Estate



For those who want to sell their home in AuroraGeneva, BataviaSt. Charles, Wheaton, Naperville, IL, get in touch with the real estate experts at Miscella Real Estate. Their agents will guide you through every step of the selling process from pricing to closing. Call them today at (630) 232-1570 or email info(at)miscella(dotted)com.