Miscella Real Estate

Choosing the Right Real Estate Broker

If you want your real estate transaction to be a successful one, you need to have the right real estate agent by your side. Here are 8 questions you need to ask when you begin your search:

  1. Where can I find a real estate agent?

    There are several ways to start your search for the right real estate agent. One way is to ask family, friends, or colleagues. You can also go check the customer reviews of agents representing the area you’re interested in to find out how they fared with their clients.

  2. How long have they been a real estate agent?

    Experience makes a huge difference. You will want to work with someone who has been in the business for some time because they know the ins and outs of the industry.

  3. What are their credentials?

    Many real estate agents have trained to become experts in a particular type of real estate property. Some designations you might have come across are Certified Residential Specialists (CRS), Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR), Seller Representative Specialist (SRS), and Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES).

  4. How much do they know about the area?

    Your real estate agent should also have local knowledge of your chosen neighborhood. This includes the area’s schools, parks, malls, public transportation, and the current real estate market.

  5. What are their current listings?

    You can know a lot about a real estate agent based on their current listings. Go to their website and check out the homes for sale listed there. This is where you’ll see the type of homes they focus on, the price range of these homes, and how they present these listings.

  6. How do they plan to help me buy or sell my home?

    One way to find out if you and an agent are on the same page is to ask them how they plan to help you buy or sell a home. If you’re buying, ask them where they intend to look for a home with many of your longed-for features and amenities at your price point. If you’re selling your home, ask the agent how they intend to market your property so that it stands out from the rest.

  7. What do their past clients say about them?

    Obtain first-hand information on a potential real estate agent. Get in touch with a past client or two and ask them about their working relationship with the agent. You can directly ask the agent for the contact details of their most recent clients so you can call or email.

  8. Do I feel comfortable around them?

    Buying or selling a home can take several months. This means that you’ll be spending a lot of time with your real estate agent. That’s why it’s important to feel comfortable around them. To gauge the level of your rapport, spend time with them either in person or online.

Looking for a real estate agent in the cities of Geneva, Batavia, or St. Charles, IL? Miscella Real Estate is an expert team of brokers catering to both buyers and sellers in Illinois’ Greater Fox Valley area. Get in touch with the team today at 630.232.1570 or info(at)miscella(dotted)com.