Miscella Real Estate

Buy or Sell… Is Now The Time?

Uncertain times.  We hear this over and over now to describe 2020, and now the beginning of 2021.  Uncertain times for sure, but what is for certain is that life goes on.  Covid-19 or not, life goes on.  Jobs change, marriage happens, divorce happens, babies are born, homes are bought and sold…none of this stops just because of a global pandemic.


These times haven’t been all bad.  The housing market has been doing well through this pandemic.  Mortgage rates are at an all time low, and serious buyers are out there.  The problem… inventory is also at an all time low.  This is making the real estate market very competitive, and finding a home is proving more difficult.  It is a seller’s market for sure and prices are being driven up.  If you have been thinking about selling, now might be the time!

What’s the first step in selling your home? 

Seek the help of a real estate professional.  Selling your home takes a lot, and you shouldn’t do it alone.  I will help analyze the market and the true value of your home.  I can give you the tools and resources you need to get top dollar for your home.  Really understanding the process makes the process much easier.  It takes time to get your home prepped and ready, time to list, and time to close.  I will be right there with you the entire time, throughout the process.

What’s the first step in buying a home? 

Seek the help of a real estate agent.  Buying a home during times of low inventory can be stressful, and I can help.  It takes time to buy a home, getting preapproved, finding the house, and it takes time to close.  I will be by your side as you trusted advisor the entire time.


Just like life doesn’t stop through this pandemic, life doesn’t stop just because you need to move.  There is a lot of uncertainty that goes into buying and selling a home, and it doesn’t pay to go at it alone.  Being a local real estate agent I can help find your dream home based on your needs and wish list.


I can help guide you through these uncertain times.  Now might be the perfect time.



Julia Ziller, Broker Miscella Real Estate



For those who want to sell their home in AuroraGeneva, BataviaSt. Charles, Wheaton, Naperville, IL, get in touch with the real estate experts at Miscella Real Estate. Their agents will guide you through every step of the selling process from pricing to closing. Call them today at (630) 232-1570 or email info(at)miscella(dotted)com.