Miscella Real Estate

A Beautiful nightmare, a closing day story

My clients in this nightmare are my dream clients.  We met years ago when they started renting.  They took the time to prep and ask me questions about the home buying process.  Organized, educated, and well prepared…they are just lovely people to work with.  The house we found was perfect for my first-time home buyers.  We won in a multiple offer situation, nothing came up in the home inspection, and they were clear to close WEEKS before the actual closing day.  This was one of the smoothest transactions I have been a part of!  Until closing day…

10:00 am-

I miss a phone call from the listing agent…leaves a voicemail and a text.  I need to call him ASAP.

10:15 am-

I call agent, the movers haven’t showed up yet to the property.  They were supposed to be there at 9:00.  Our final walk-through is at noon, and closing is at 1pm.  Can we move the walkthrough to 12:30 to give more time?

10:30 am-

Call my clients…they are nervous, but just a small bump in the road!

11:00 am-

Movers arrive!!  2 hours late, but hey!

12:20 pm-

I get a call from the listing agent.  Oh no!  They aren’t ready yet…there’s no way they will finish before the closing.  We need to move it to later in the day. I call literally everyone…I check in with attorney’s, title company, agents…all schedules need to line up in order for this to work.  I call my clients, and hear the disappointment in their voices.

2:00 pm-

Closing is rescheduled for today at 4pm!  Hooray!  My clients don’t have to rearrange their movers as long as we close today!  Our walkthrough will be at 3:30.  The day is saved!

3:20 pm-

I get a call from the listing agent.  COME ON!  They need more time, but at this point there is no more time to give.  I say we can stall until 3:45, but if they aren’t ready by then we should just close the next day (that affects so much…my client’s movers, title work, insurance policies, utilities…so many moving parts…literally)

3:30 pm-

I drive by.  There’s a moving truck and they’re still at it.  We’ll give them a little more time…we shall see!

3:45 pm-

Ready or not!  Here we come!  The owner meets me in front of the house.  He’s tall and burly…and VERY apologetic.  His wife (8 months pregnant) already left with their toddler and two dogs…he was moving alone and the movers didn’t show up on time.  He was overwhelmed and exhausted!  I felt for him. I go in first expecting the worst, and while it was NOT what I wanted for my client, it wasn’t that bad!  A few miscellaneous items in the basement and garage.  The movers were packing the rest.  I could tell they would finish by the time my clients would close.  I called my clients to walk through.

3:45-3:50 pm-

The owner talks to me about the house…about the neighbors…about his family…about his love for the home and bursts into tears.

3:50 pm-

My clients arrive, and the owner asks if he should leave.  I tell him it’s completely up to him!  While the paths of the seller and the buyer don’t usually cross, I could tell he needed some closure.

3:50-4:10 pm-

The owner takes my clients through the house, sharing stories through tears…telling them about the neighbors and how close they all had become.  He handed my client a silver coin and said “I only give these to people who are meaningful in my life, I want you to have this” There wasn’t a dry eye in the house folks!  And while this was INCREDIBLY awkward…it was AMAZINGLY beautiful.  Here was this giant man with a beard and a flannel…just a blubbery mess…hugging and apologizing and thanking and laughing and crying all at the same time.  Passing the torch of his first home to the next trustworthy owner.

4:10 pm-

OMG wipe your eyes and go to the closing!!  The title company closes at 5!!  RUN!  I stick around to see if I can be useful.  I offer to help, but at this point there isn’t a lot.  He would be fine with the movers.

4:45 pm-

I stop by to check on the house, and it’s perfect!  The owner just wants to clean a little.  My clients were just waiting on funding.  I take a video of the empty space.  I see what I think is an extra pillow left behind, but it was A WEDDING DRESS!!!  I immediately think of his pregnant wife, and get that thing into a box IMMEDIATELY.  I can’t handle any more excitement for the day.  My clients will be back at 5:45.

5:45 pm-

I see the owner turn off the lights one last time and walk out.  I congratulate him on his sale and new home, and tell him to drive safely.  I walk in and turn on the lights, and my clients pull in.  Finally, some perfect timing.


Not matter how much we prepared for this day; nothing could have prepped us for this.  It was awful and wonderful to be apart of.  Everyone involved was kind and understanding.  This story could have gone so many ways. Life happens, how you react is what matters most.

Buying or selling a home is a huge life experience.  Who do you have on your side?



Julia Ziller, Broker Miscella Real Estate



For those who want to sell their home in AuroraGeneva, BataviaSt. Charles, Wheaton, Naperville, IL, get in touch with the real estate experts at Miscella Real Estate. Their agents will guide you through every step of the selling process from pricing to closing. Call them today at (630) 232-1570 or email info(at)miscella(dotted)com.